The Boss Lady Chronicles: 10 Questions with Samantha Josaphat
Introducing architect, industry leader, and founder. Samantha Josaphat. After becoming the 397th African American female architect to achieve licensure in the United States, Samantha founded her multidisciplinary firm, STUDIO 397.
Walk us through the early days of STUDIO 397. What inspired you to start your own firm?
I had a high standard when it came to corporate America, which eventually helped me to understand that many of the employee incentives (“bells and whistles”) were distractions and did not truly reflect my value within the industry.
Life as a firm owner must be anything but boring! What does a day in the life of Samantha look like?
A day in the life of Samantha varies depending on the day of the week! I schedule each morning during the week to start with an early workout. This puts me a positive headspace, sets the right tone, and allows me to feel like the day has already been conquered. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are STUDIO 397 production days, which can range from client meetings and producing design to construction documents and site visits. Tuesday and Thursday are STUDIO 397 admin days, which is when I focus on the financial and marketing pieces of the business. Tuesdays and Thursdays are also my “professor” days! I teach Design Studio at City College's Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture. I try to dedicate a few evenings to volunteering efforts, whether that is through my role as President of nycobaNOMA (The National Organization of Minority Architects NY Chapter) or by speaking at industry events.
Samantha is wearing our Chris jumpsuit in port.
Working in such a technical field, client conversations must require a unique balance between creativity and practicality. Do you have any tips for standing your ground without discouraging your client?
Sometimes I have to let the clients walk an inch in my shoes, which usually reminds them (pretty quickly!) why they hired me as their licensed architect and/or interior designer. There so many different moving parts and people involved in a construction project! Not all clients understand the process, so I make an effort to educate them on key people, processes, and prices early in the game.
Upon meeting you, we were instantly inspired by your confidence, elegance, and ability to command a room with ease. You make it look so easy! What’s your secret?
Being observant has been my secret! I am in a position of leadership now, which requires a bit more action, but being observant has allowed me to lead more effectively.
Samantha is wearing our Antonia jumpsuit in ivory.
Tell us about a favorite piece of your business. Which part of the process do you find most exciting?
For me, designing is still the most exciting part of the business. I love tackling all of the ideas and existing conditions and figuring out how to make it come together as one piece.
It seems like every entrepreneur has a set of unique tips and tricks that help them stay inspired, even when the going gets tough. What are a few of yours?
Life is a series of journeys with highs and lows. Remember that when times are rough. It will become easier to take a step back and recognize that you’re just in one of the low moments, and that’s what makes the journey complete. I also try to remind myself that inspiration is everywhere, so always remember to put the pencil down (or the mouse away) and go explore!
Samantha is wearing our Chris jumpsuit in teal.
The most exciting thing about working with women who are experts in their fields is learning about the experiences and moments that wowed them. Tell us about a time you thought, “Wow! I love the way I feel in this space.”
It was when I was working on a renovation project at Fordham University. Initially, it looked like a high school. We were able to completely transform the space and make it feel like the ultimate college experience. Now, users are able to experience a range of academic departments, all on one 16,000 square foot floor!
You are a woman making waves in a male-dominated field. (And we are so inspired by you!) Do you have any advice for other women who find themselves seated as the only woman at the table?
Do your job well and to the best of your abilities. Find a support network so that when you are the only one at the table, you know it's only for a short period of time.
Samantha is wearing our Antonia jumpsuit in black.
We love hearing about every woman’s personal Oprah Winfrey, Joan of Arc, or Wonder Woman. Tell us about a woman you admire.
I admire Michelle Obama. Reaching for the stars throughout her childhood and young adult life gave her the experience and flexibility to explore different career paths. I admire her curiosity and openness to new ideas. She doesn’t stick to the script. You never know what's in store for you until you decide to explore it.
Now for the fun part! Imagine you are working on your dream project. What is the function of the space? Where is it? What does it look like? Who is it for?
I am creating an institution public project. The institution educates the public, while the public educates the institution. I see a massive building, both aboveground and underground, with a public plaza as the main entrance. I also see an integrated residential project that is small in its carbon footprint. The design reflects the natural existing conditions with vast landscapes where it is located.